Of all the products I've used, I really have nothing but good things to say about this one. I have seen these at every health food store I've been to here and it is never more than $11. For that $11 you get 12 fl. oz. as opposed to the (maybe) 4 fl. oz. of many other brands. Using it twice daily, one bottle can last for several months. There are many varieties, including Rosewater, Lemon, Lavender and Original formulas. The best one for you depends on what you want it for. For instance, Rosewater is said to be excellent for mature skin.
I have tried the Lavender, Lemon, and Cucumber formulas. My personal favorite is Lavender, despite the fact that I don't care for it as a scent. Lemon is an Astringent and not a toner, so it contains alcohol and I found it a little drying for everyday use. I do continue to use it on days where my skin is being especially bothersome, but prefer to use one of the more gentle alcohol-free toners more regularly. Lavender is an excellent ingredient that encourages healing (so I put up with the scent).
Witch Hazel was used by Native Americans to treat surface wounds, and became an important medicinal crop for the American settlers. All of Thayer's Toners and Astringents use organic Aloe Vera to soothe the skin. Overall, I couldn't be happier with this product.
The Toner and Astringent Sampler Pack is a good option to figure out which you want to use. Hell, I have large bottles of the Lavender and Cucumber and I'm still considering getting one. It comes with one 2 oz bottle of all nine varieties for around $16. I probably wouldn't buy many of them on their own, but think it might not be a bad idea to have a small bottle, particularly the Medicated Superhazel lying around.
Designation: Must-Have Item