
Love nature? Let it love you back.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Not dead, I swear! Also update

I think a full year of classes followed by a whole summer, then starting Fall classes just one week later, took it's toll. I swear I had such difficulty working up the motivation to do anything at all. I was always acutely aware of my inactivity and planning to work on my blogs or kimono or do laundry and somehow never did. I don't have a real, themed and planned-out post right now. This is more of a "getting back into the habit" post.

Skincare-wise, I am very excited! I seem to have finally hit on a good combination of products and am mostly clear on my face. I also discovered a new cream cleanser to replace my Evan Healy cleanser, which I loved but couldn't bring myself to pay $35 to replace (I bought it on clearance originally for $25). I've only had it for two days, so I want to continue for a few more days before I write about it more. I love that the company, Honey Girl Organics, is based off the same island I live on. It's strange how secure that makes me feel!

Well, until then,